Your Enneagram Type 4 and How The Wrong Enneagram Test Can Cause More Harm than Good


"You can find a lot of free enneagram evaluations floating around the internet. However, by just filling out the multiple-choice test and finding out what general personality type you are will not get you very far."

"Making real changes in your life implies real work. That can be a daunting task to face alone."


That is why I believe you should work alongside an experienced psychoanalyst who can help determine which qualities are productive, positive influences in your life, and which qualities may need some work.


The Wrong Test Can Cause More Harm than Good


Some personality tests use questionnaires that use confusing or abstract questions to somehow infer your personality traits. Others simply list a handful of impossible yes/no alternatives, like “Good communicator or poor communicator?”, “Talkative or quiet?”, “Logical thinker or impulsive?” These items are often impossible to answer because it depends so much on the situation. So even if you do have a tendency towards one or the other, only a professional can help you sort out when the behavior is normal and appropriate or is actually toxic to your life and relationships.

Then, at the end free tests only provide a paragraph or two about your results and the personality “box” you fit into. This kind of evaluation is incomplete and has very limited value. The worst part is that if you use invalidated inappropriate questionnaire, you can be easily misidentified with wrong personality type.

This could lead to misguided career decisions, inappropriate life changes, or even harm to your psyche! Imagine being told, for example, that you lack the traits of a strong leader and would be better suited to a “helper” position at work—but you already hold a management position or have another job in which you must be a leader.

This could lead to low self-esteem and even poor job performance. This is why it is important to consult an Enneagram expert when applying the results of a personality test to one’s personal and professional life.


A New and Better Me - Getting Guidance from Enneagram Queen


Enneagram Queen really helped me become a better wife, mother, friend, and woman. It has made me stronger, more confident, and able to understand what has made me the person I am today. While I was used to being stressed out most days and getting upset over the littlest things, I know now I can share my problems. I understand the world doesn’t revolve around my problems or needs; others have needs too. The Enneagram Queen helped me so much. I have even found a way to communicate with others better and can feel confident in tackling any situation.

I can solve problems better but listen more to other needs. I feel more focused and centered. I can overcome issues that I find difficult to deal with and the test has made me a stronger person. I even asked my husband and children to take the test, just to see if we’re alike. To my surprise, my husband was an Investigator, and my children were Enthusiasts.

It’s great to see just how different we all are, but we’ve become a stronger and closer family. We’ve had a better relationship and bettered ourselves too. As a family, we are stronger and feel like a unit.


What Makes Enneagram Queen Different From Others?


The Enneagram Queen team of professional psychoanalysts personally look at your enneagram results and create a custom-made report, unlike other websites that only offer generic descriptions for each personality type. For each person they create unique report. They have an experienced team that can help you to reach your ultimate goal of harmony in your life and relationships through self-awareness and changing the way you interact with the world around you.

Their enneagram personality test has been proven to work!

Enneagram has already helped millions of people to become a better person and live a happier version of their lives.

A recent study published in the Journal of Adult Development found that participants who had taken the test and then received a minimum of 40 to 50 hours of coaching showed improvement in ego development. The results of the study demonstrate that training related to enneagram evaluations is advantageous in encouraging psychological growth and ego development.

If you are interested in making immediate changes in your life to promote personal and professional growth as well as fortify all the important relationships in your life, do not hesitate to consult Enneagram Queen Team and get started on your own personal journey today!


What can you expect from the test?


Taking the test has three phases. Firstly, you will answer a set of questions specifically designed to, as a whole, be able to categorize you into one of nine different personality types based on your answers. The test is not based on knowledge or experience, but simply poses a range of simple scenarios designed to understand how you respond to positive and negative challenges, both mentally and emotionally. The whole test is completed online, and your summarized report results become available almost immediately.

These results are then emailed to you for future reference, and you have an option to, for a fee, choose an additional results package that will either provide you with a detailed report on your personality type and tendencies, or a complete package that includes the customized report and an audio guide.



Why should you take the test? 


The basic principle that you cannot change what you do not understand, is very true. If you want to make improvements in your personal and professional life, you first need to understand how your predispositions and tendencies affect both these areas of your life, and Enneagram helps with this. Some of the important questions that this test can help you answer is: 

  • Do I have any hidden potential?
  • Why do my personal relationships keep failing despite my best efforts?
  • How can I make the right changes to help me achieve success?
  • What am I doing wrong professionally that is holding me back?
  • Who am I?
  • What would be a career best suited for me?
  • How can I improve my interpersonal relationships?
  • Which areas in my personal life do I most need to work on?
  • Why are my spouse and I always fighting?


These are pretty powerful and profound questions that most of us would like answered, so why not take a chance on something so easy to do and promising so much. Taking the Enneagram Personality Test is the first step in making a change, the first step to a better personal and professional life. The choice is yours.


Start with the Enneagram Test HERE & NOW and you will see high results. I can almost guarantee it!


If you are considering discovering your personality type, visit The Enneagram Queen as soon as possible! You will not regret it!