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Enneagram Wings: How Secondary Traits Influence Your Core Personality

The Enneagram serves as a guide that empowers individuals to understand themselves better and investigate their personalities. One illustrating aspect of the Enneagram that leads to further specialization in one's personality type would be the "wings" model. These wings are characterized by secondary behaviors, influencing the primary traits within a person's defined personality type. Consequently, comprehending your Enneagram wing enables your opportunity to enhance your understanding of yourself plus motivations driving your behavior beyond observations.

Wing Pattern

Comprehending the notion of wings, necessitates gaining an understanding of the fundamental Enneagram types that exist. The personality types are distinguished by an exclusive number and label, wherein some are said to be "the Perfectionist", followed by the second one labeled as "the Helper". Additionally, the third type is signified as "the Achiever", with subsequent types continuing similarly. Every type possesses its own unique aptitudes and limitations.

Enneagram Wings
However, it’s important to note that no one fits neatly into just one Enneagram type. Each individual has unique traits and tendencies that may also be influenced by the traits of the types adjacent to their core type. These adjacent types are known as the wings.
In the illustration, an individual identified as a Type 9 (the Peacemaker) can markedly exhibit compelling traits influenced by their neighboring types - the Type 8 (the Challenger) and the Type 1 (the Perfectionist). Such an individual could manifest some of the advantageous and disadvantageous aspects of both neighboring types alongside those emanating from their core characteristics as a Type 9.

The Wing is Adjacent to Your Core Type

Your wing is typically one of the two numbers adjacent to your core type. So, if you’re a Type 4 (The Artist), your wings would be Type 3 (the Achiever) and Type 5 (the Investigator). Depending on the level of influence from your wings, you may exhibit traits from both types in addition to those of your core type.
Having a solid grasp of your Enneagram wing possesses the ability to provide you with invaluable insight regarding your personality and actions. Said knowledge allows you to recognize any repeating manners of thinking, emotional expression, and behavior that might not be evident simply by understanding your central type. Furthermore, it enables one to assess where growth can occur while being cognizant of potential obstacles or setbacks.

Womam with her wings
Consider an individual who identifies as Type 1, also referred to as the Perfectionist, and possesses strong qualities from Type 2, known as the Helper. Such a person may tend to be excessively critical of themselves and others while concurrently displaying a commendable inclination toward being supportive and available to support those in need. Acknowledging the influence of one's Type 2 wing is therefore instrumental for achieving equilibrium by ensuring that this penchant for generosity does not come at the expense of healthy boundaries and self-care. On the other hand, if you’re a Type 5 (the Investigator) with a strong wing from Type 6 (the Loyalist), you may struggle with feelings of anxiety and uncertainty, while also having a strong desire for knowledge and understanding. By recognizing the influence of your Type 6 wing, you can work on developing trust in yourself and others, while also cultivating a sense of courage and inner strength.
It’s important to note that the influence of your Enneagram wing can vary over time and in different situations. Throughout the various stages and aspects of life, you may come to discover that your dominant wing becomes more apparent in certain contexts, be it within professional realms or interpersonal relationships.

Determine Your Enneagram Wing

To determine your Enneagram wing, it’s important to do some self-reflection and introspection. Consider the traits and tendencies of the adjacent types to your core type and ask yourself if you exhibit any of those traits. One may find it advantageous to entertain an investigation of the accompanying classifications and assess whether any of their portrayals strike a chord with them.


Overall, understanding your Enneagram wing can provide valuable insights into your personality and behavior. Examining your own performance can be advantageous in discovering both your forte and insufficiencies, along with unexplored avenues where you can potentially grow and progress.

Take the Enneagram Personality Test now and have a further understanding of your wing pattern!

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