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Enjoy Your Work Life With The Enneagram

Through examination of one's core fears and desires, the Enneagram's archetypal framework can provide individuals profound insight into the mostly unconscious motivations driving their attitudes and behaviours. Gaining insight into the intricacies of your Enneagram personality type enables comprehending both the advantages and shortcomings intrinsic to your nature, thereby illuminating the optimal path through the labyrinth of your professional existence.


enneagram personality types


Understanding Your Motivations

Once you know your Enneagram type, you can gain a deeper understanding of your core motivations. Though Type 2s are often driven by altruism and aiding their fellow man, Type 3 personalities frequently pursue triumph and accomplishment as their raison d'etre. Gaining insight into the underlying reasons for your purposeful actions can illuminate the motivating forces propelling your vocational pursuits and how to optimally harness those drives.


studying enneagram personality types


Gaining insight into the traits and attributes at which you naturally excel and those you struggle to develop can empower you to capitalize on your talents and address your limitations

Understanding the intricacies of your Enneagram personality type enables you to gain valuable insight into both the gifts and challenges that essentially define who you are. For example, a Type 5 may have a strength in analytical thinking but struggle with social interactions. Though cognisant of both aptitudes and shortcomings, one may capitalize upon innate talents while ameliorating deficits.

Communicating with Your Colleagues

Understanding the Enneagram types of your colleagues can also help you communicate more effectively. To illustrate, conveying in a manner that pacifies their uneasiness and reinforces their confidence could be ideal when collaborating with someone possessing a Type 6 personality. By understanding the Enneagram types of your colleagues, you can tailor your communication style to better meet their needs.

Aligning Your Work with Your Values

The Enneagram can also help you align your work with your values. Type 2 individuals who derive satisfaction from philanthropic endeavours might prefer occupations allowing them to positively impact the lives of others in meaningful ways. Finding a career path that aligns with your core principles and priorities can lead to a far more gratifying vocational experience.


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In the end, despite its limitations, employing the esoteric yet potent framework of the Enneagram to plumb the depths of one’s own psyche and comprehend the drives animating both oneself and one’s coworkers can greatly enhance the pleasure and fulfilment derived from one’s professional endeavours

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