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3 Mistakes to Avoid When Using the Enneagram

Gaining traction as an illuminating instrument for self-awareness and maturation, the intricate Enneagram system has proliferated, untangling the impetuses propelling our actions and maneuverings. Though the system contains potential downfalls, a dexterous approach is imperative.

Rigidly Typecasting Yourself or Others

One major error is pigeonholing oneself or others into a single Enneagram type. While the system offers nine distinct types, it's vital to remember that each person possesses complex layers that extend beyond a single label. Individuals can exhibit traits from multiple types, and personal growth involves embracing these nuanced aspects.

Solution: Embrace the Enneagram's Spectrum

Rather than confining yourself or others to a single type, view the Enneagram as a spectrum of behaviors and motivations. Explore the wings and subtypes within each type, acknowledging that individuals may manifest different aspects based on their circumstances and personal growth. This approach promotes a more comprehensive understanding, fostering empathy and growth.

Biggest Enneagram Stereotyping

Using the Enneagram to Justify Behaviors

A common pitfall is using the Enneagram as a justification for negative behaviors or as an excuse to avoid personal growth. Although the Enneagram provides insights into our patterns and tendencies, it should not be used as a crutch for accountability or perpetuating harmful actions.

Solution: Take Ownership and Pursue Growth

Identify areas where negative behaviors manifest and actively work towards improvement. Engage in mindfulness practices, seek therapy or coaching, and address the root causes of unhealthy patterns to facilitate personal growth. The Enneagram empowers individuals to take ownership of their actions and drive positive change.

Stereotyping and Judging Others

With a nuanced appreciation of personality, the Enneagram seeks to cultivate our insight into ourselves and foster empathy towards our fellow beings. However, a common mistake is using it to stereotype and pass judgment based on someone's type. Stereotyping hampers authentic connections and limits our capacity for empathy.

Judging Others

Solution: Foster Understanding and Empathy

Rather than making hasty judgments based on Enneagram types, approach others with curiosity and an open mind. Engage in meaningful conversations to grasp their unique experiences and perspectives. Recognize that the Enneagram serves as a growth tool, not a definitive judgment of character. Cultivating understanding and empathy fosters genuine connections and harmonious relationships.


Although the Enneagram's offerings of awareness and personal development hold merit, employing its insights demands exercising deliberate care and reflection. By avoiding the pitfalls of typecasting, using it as an excuse, and stereotyping others, we unlock the Enneagram's true potential.

Embrace complexity, take ownership of personal growth, and nurture empathy to gain deeper insights into ourselves and the world around us. By means of introspection resulting in self-knowledge, we have the capability to push the limits of our own identity, advancing our personhood so we can grasp with depth the earth which sustains us.

As we force ourselves outside our comfort zones to mature in complexity, our deepening comprehension of dissimilarity cultivates a more profound empathy that weaves a tapestry of accord. Embracing the totality of our diverse and complex selves, inclusive of the distinctive skills and fervors that animate each of us, we forge a lush and pulsating collective that venerates and encompasses all.

When unique individuals unite to contribute their distinct aptitudes and skills, the collective fabric becomes increasingly opulent and formidable, weaving a variegated and sustaining space for each constituent.

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